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End of Year Accounts FY2324

The Clerk
June 29, 2024
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What is Year End for Parish Councils? The year end provides a snapshot of the council's financial transactions, governance arrangements, and other key information. It helps to ensure that the council is operating in a responsible and efficient manner, and serves as a means of demonstrating accountability and transparency to the public. The financial year for local councils is a 12 month period from 1st April to 31st March, and is used as the basis for preparing the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) - a mandatory document that local councils are required to complete and submit to the relevant authorities. Completing the AGAR is a legal requirement under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, and failure to submit a completed AGAR can result in penalties and enforcement action by the relevant authorities. Who uses the AGAR? Internal & external auditors - to assess the council's compliance with relevant regulations and laws, and ensure that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for. Members of the council - to assess the council's financial health and make informed decisions, and ensure it is using resources effectively and in the interest of the public. Members of the public - to understand the council's activities and financial transactions. Exercise of Public Rights The exercise of public rights involves a 30 working-day period in which accounting records must be made available for inspection to any interested person, and the AGAR must be approved and published before this inspection period starts. Within this period, electors can inspect and raise questions regarding the accounting records of the financial year in which the audit relates. They also have the right to request copies of accounting records during this period. Documents containing information that is personal or protected by commercial confidentially cannot be inspected.   AGAR Section 1 - Governance Statement FY2324 AGAR Section 2 - Accounting Statement FY2324 End of Year Bank Reconciliation FY2324 Explanation of Significant Variances FY2324 Notice of Public Rights FY2324

Co-Option to the Parish Council - Vacancy

The Clerk
March 23, 2023
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Co-Option to the Parish Council 23rd March 2023 Co-option Advert VACANCY FOR CO-OPTION OF A NEW COUNCILLOR Notice is hereby given that a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for Penketh Parish Council and we invite applicants to apply for co-option. Do you have time or expertise which could benefit your Community? Do you want to make a difference to all those around you? Are you concerned about your local area? Do you want to represent the views of local people? If you would like to make a difference, and be involved in shaping the future of your local Community, why not step forward and apply to become a Penketh Parish Councillor? Applicants should note that Councillors are expected to attend monthly meetings and to represent the electors of Penketh in raising and discussing issues of interest on which the Parish Council is empowered to act. All applications must be received by noon on Monday 3rd April 2023 for consideration at next months meeting. If no applications are received we will re-open for the following month. Any applications received with only 6 months remaining on the councils term will be refused. ( Elections due May 2024) Any person wishing to apply for this vacancy should complete the online application form at Please sent the completed form to the Clerk by email to or call 01925 724515 for further information. Interested persons must be a qualifying Commonwealth or EU citizen, aged 18 years or over and: Have lived in the Parish or within three miles of it for the preceding twelve months Be a registered elector in the Parish: or Have occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises in the Parish for the preceding twelve months: or Have their principal or only place of work in the Parish for the preceding twelve months Must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor

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